Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Post-Thanksgiving Musing

Hello, beloved minions:

I apologize for not having posted in, what, forever? Between the press of final papers and the Thanksgiving holiday (and some time admittedly spent playing Lego Harry Potter and Assassin's Creed), I have just not had the time (or the willpower, something like that) to publish anything coherent and witty. 

Originally, I had prepared a post regarding karaoke*, but recent posts on the facebook wall have given me pause and shifted my focus slightly. So, at the risk of having people call for my head on a platter, I am going to dive into the graduate degree debate.

Recently, a fellow PAT member posted a link to a blog post about how most history graduate students will never become professors. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the post raised quite a bit of uproar within our little cohort. For those of you who were gravely offended by the original post, I encourage you to also read this post, which canvases the reactions that were posted regarding it.I think you will find that many of these reactions mirror your own.

Part of me agreed with the majority of you, who felt that the post was overly negative. But, at the risk of being publicly flogged, part of me also agreed with the author of the post. I do not think there is anything wrong with being realistic about the current job market, especially within academia, and I did not get the impression that he was saying that students in history graduate programs wouldn't be able to get jobs anywhere, simply that it was unlikely to impossible that they would get jobs as university professors.

What irritated me about the post is that the author seemed to think it was his duty to inform history graduates that they could not, or would not, be college professors. I am all for being honest and realistic, but I am also in favor of not being a pessimistic ass, which the author ultimately came across as. It is his responsibility, as a professor, to make sure that his students have an understanding of what they are getting into when the pursue a PhD or even a Master's degree, but it is certainly not his place to inform them that they can or cannot do anything. 

I knew, coming into the graduate program, that I would not go straight to a PhD program. In my situation, I need to go out into the world and make some money and try to pay off some of my enormous student loan before I even think about going back to school. I am not saying that I will never go back, but it is not in my immediate future. Consequently, I also knew that I was not going to be a university professor. 

Honestly, I have no idea what I want to do with my life. I know that the Master's degree has become the new Bacherlor's degree in that you have to have one to find employment, but beyond that I do not really have an exit strategy here. I am hoping that maybe I will be able to find a job, maybe doing government or archival work, that will pay the bills while I write on the side. Who knows. 

And now I am going to open up the floor to you, readers (I am assuming that *somebody* out there reads this): is there a time and a place for pessimism? Do professors have the right/responsibility to inform their students that they cannot enter a specific profession? I mean, I suppose if we were all medical students that would be a different story. Personally, I don't want someone poking at my innards and saying "so, this curvy thing is an intesterine, right?"

Until next week, friends. Good luck with all of your finals/final papers.

*Totally not kidding. Look for my karaoke post next week.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Apples to Oranges and an Aneurism

Greetings, my PAT minions!
The other day, I was on the phone with my mother when my youngest sister (who is a freshman in college studying nursing) insisted that she had something to tell me. I heard my mother frantically shushing my sister in the background (a sure sign that my sister had come up with some new way to irritate me), but above it all I still heard my sister state, quite clearly, “The only reason that the United States got involved in World War II is because of racism against the Japanese.”

Well, friends, I obviously did not respond well to this particular statement. I went through a half dozen reasons why she was wrong, and she listed off a half dozen of her own arguments (several of which I am fairly certain she made up as we went along), including trying to make what I considered an apples to oranges comparison of the attack on Pearl Harbor to the attack on the USS Rueben James.

Eventually, when I had reached the point where I was sure I was going to have an aneurism, I screamed at her, “YOU’RE JUST WRONG!” At which point my sister calmly stated, “I know. I just wanted to see if I could start the argument.”

I was silent for a moment. And then I let forth a stream of profanity that modesty prevents me from repeating here.

Upon later reflection, I realized that this was not the first time someone had put forth such an absurd and false historical premise before me, and that I have had to argue my point (which I would like to believe is as close to correct as history ever allows us to be as interpreters of the art). This time I was lucky: my sister was just trying to bait me, and she did (no one likes to admit they have been bested by their younger sibling, but I can swallow my pride for the sake of posterity).

But what of all those other occasions when you are dealing with someone who sincerely believes some historical idea that you are so sure is false? How do you react? How do you put forth your own argument while still being respectful of the other person? The situation is complicated when the historical issue at hand deals with something touchy like religion or politics.

What are your thoughts readers?

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The New Faces and Voices of Phi Alpha Theta

Hello fellow PAT-ers and lovers of history!

As your new PAT blogger (and beloved dictator), I would first like to say how excited I am to have the opportunity to facilitate this forum and forge another link between Phi Alpha Theta and the PSU history community at large. I view this medium as a space where we all can have an opportunity to share our thoughts and ideas, even if our schedules prevent us from meeting face to face.

My hope for this blog in the coming months is to not only post my own thoughts and questions about history and what it means to be a historian, but to encourage every one of you to submit your own as well. As historians, we are a unique (and arguably superior) breed, and the world should bear witness to our brilliance! In all seriousness, I would like to take this opportunity to invite each and every one of you to submit your own blog posts or questions, either in the comments below or at this email:

To start the ball rolling: how did you decide to become a history major? If you are a graduate student, did you earn your undergraduate degree in history or in some other field? If you earned your degree in a different field, how did you decide to earn your graduate degree in history, and how do the two fields relate to each other? Or, if you have a degree in something like underwater basket weaving or the study of ontological empiricism, well... not sure I can help you at that point. Best of luck to you.

From a personal perspective, I only came to history after I changed my undergraduate major twice before: from education to economics to history. Why did I end up in history? I had fallen in love with the subject during my sophomore year in high school, but had come to the conclusion that I needed to do something more practical with my life (anybody else have that moment? Like maybe you should be taking classes in how to write the technical guides for toasters instead of the history of Imperial Russia?). My sophomore year in university, I came to another conclusion: it was not going to matter so much, in the long run, what my undergraduate major was. So I might has well be doing something I love.

And I do love it. I love the stories of people, and I love finding some aspect of that story that I never understood before, or maybe even that nobody else has found before. Perhaps most of all, I love telling those stories to others.

Now its your turn: you've been asked by everybody else, now you're being asked by someone who isn't going to laugh at you. Why history?